23 Jan 11 Things Physical Therapy Can Help With
Physical Therapy Offers Relief for Many Unique Conditions
Our physical therapists at Advantage Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation can help you with a wide range of physical problems, including pain, chronic disease and limited mobility. Whether you are recovering from an acute injury, wanting to avoid joint replacement surgery or facing a long-term diagnosis, you can turn to us for a conservative option for managing symptoms and reducing further physical limitations. Here are just 11 of the unique diagnoses for which our therapists can provide solutions.
1. Sports Injuries
If you participate in certain sports, such as football or tennis, you know how much pressure your joints experience whenever your feet hit the ground or when you quickly change directions. Physical therapy can help prevent such injuries as stress fractures and sprains while improving your endurance and performance.
2. Carpal Tunnel
Physical therapy can help you avoid carpal tunnel surgery by using gliding exercises for the small tendons in your hand and wrist. You may also benefit from ultrasound therapy, which decreases the pain and tingling often associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. Sciatica
Pressure on your sciatic nerve can lead to shooting pain down your leg and along your back. However, physical therapy can reduce inflammation and pain using hot and cold therapies, strengthening exercises and a variety of stretches.
4. Arthritis
Physical therapy offers relief both for the most common type of joint disease, which is osteoarthritis, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis, which is a type of autoimmune disease. Long-term therapy is ideal for decreasing the stiffness and pain that are frequently associated with arthritis and that can reduce range of motion in numerous joints.
5. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic floor disfunction may lead to such problems as urge incontinence and organ prolapse. It can also lead to poor sexual satisfaction. Myofascial release, electrical stimulation and pelvic floor exercises performed with the help of your physical therapist can reduce and eliminate some of these unwanted side effects.
6. Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease results in ever-worsening gross and fine motor abilities. Strength training and a variety of exercises prescribed by a physical therapist will not be able to cure the disease but can help you enjoy higher quality of life throughout your diagnosis.
7. Muscular Dystrophy
This genetic condition results in increasing weakness and degenerative skeletal processes. A physical therapist can help you improve mobility, learn to use mobility aids and improve balance and strength.
8. Stroke
A stroke wipes out your ability to perform a variety of everyday tasks while severely limiting your strength and balance. Physical therapy is often the primary focus of rehabilitation following this diagnosis.
9. Fibromyalgia
Although not enough is yet known about this confusing chronic disease, sufferers know that it results in a great deal of fatigue, which may also lead to muscle weakening. Deep tissue massage, aerobic conditioning exercises and ultrasound therapy can stimulate your muscles and nerves.
10. Back Pain
Approximately 8 percent of all American adults report having chronic back pain, which can become debilitating. Physical therapy can improve core strength and prevent future episodes of pain. Your therapist may use electrical stimulation, hot and cold therapy and a variety of active therapies to treat your pain.
11. Headaches
Physical therapists can use manual therapy, upper back strengthening exercises and lifestyle modifications to reduce pain and pressure from tension headaches that result from upper back or neck pain.
Because physical therapists specialize in improving mobility, flexibility and strength, these professionals can see patients with a wide variety of diagnoses. Even if you have a chronic disease, such as COPD, diabetes or heart disease, you can benefit from physical therapy if your diagnosis has caused you to lose some physical functioning. Our therapists at Advance Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation not only can improve your overall activity level but also can help prevent further loss of function while helping you manage your health problems conservatively.
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