PT Blog

Unfortunately, sprained ankles are a common issue. You can prevent a sprain from occurring by keeping your ankles flexible and strong. The right shoes, strengthening exercises and stretching can help prevent sprains. In addition, you should avoid running on uneven surfaces. If you have a...

Physical therapy can offer relief from a variety of ailments, from sports injuries to headaches. But you don’t have to have an injury or illness to benefit from physical therapy. In many cases, physical therapy can help you avoid developing a problematic medical condition. Because physical...

According to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention, 25 percent of Americans suffer from chronic pain. Many of those individuals struggle with their daily routines because of the discomfort. When you’re trying to combat chronic pain, you may feel as though you’re fighting...

Physical Therapy Offers Relief for Many Unique Conditions Our physical therapists at Advantage Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation can help you with a wide range of physical problems, including pain, chronic disease and limited mobility. Whether you are recovering from an acute injury, wanting to avoid joint...

Injuries from car accidents range from mild to severe. If you’ve experienced a car crash injury, working with a physical therapist can reduce pain, improve mobility and restore full function. Physical therapy can reduce your reliance on painkillers and lessen the risk of having chronic pain. If you have...